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Requirements for the content and design of scientific articles accepted for publication inlog "Competitiveness in the global world: economics, science, technology"



1. Articles with scientific novelty, relevance, practical significance, the design of which meets these requirements, are accepted for publication in the journal.


2. Articles containing signs of both falsification of the results of scientific research, initial data and information, and plagiarism are not accepted for publication - presenting other people's ideas and achievements as their own, using other people's texts without reference to the source.


3. The manuscript is submitted in Russian, with the title of the article, basic information about the author (surname, initials, position, place of work, academic degree, city, e-mail address, postal address (with index) of one of the authors for sending the author's copies of the journal) , a brief abstract of the word in Russian and English, a list of keywords in Russian and English.


4. To publish an article in a journal, you must send an e-mail to the editors econom-journal@list.ru in one file (in Word format docx) the following information:

 а) author's questionnaire in Russian and English:

- surname, name, patronymic of the author (authors) in full,

 - academic degree, position and place of work / study or job seeker (full name and abbreviation),

- postal  address of one study authors for sending   of the author's copies of the journal (with index),

- E-mail address;

b) the text of the article with an abstract, a list of keywords and a list of references.


The article file must not contain macros and links to other files.

The file name should begin with the first author's last name, followed by the names of other authors.

We kindly ask you to comply with these requirements - this will speed up the response and consideration of your article.


5. The volume of the main text of the article (with annotation and bibliographic list) should be 10,000 - 25,000 characters without spaces (4-10 pages of text, subject to formatting in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 10 of these Requirements).


6. The structure of the article should contain the following main sections:

- introduction, where it is necessary to present the available results in this area of research and the goals of the work aimed at achieving new knowledge;

- the main part, which, depending on the type of work, may include sections (materials and methods of research, results and their discussion, etc. or others similar to them);

- conclusion (conclusions), in which, as far as possible, new results and their theoretical or practical significance should be indicated;

- bibliographic list.

At the same time, the designation of the introduction, main part and conclusion as separate subheadings in the text of the article is not mandatory.


7. The annotation is made up of no more than 500 characters with spaces (4-6 sentences). It is placed after the information about the authors of the manuscript. The abstract should include the following aspects: subject, topic, purpose of the work; method or methodology of work; work results; scope of the results; findings.


8. Key words are selected from the text of the material (not less than 3 and not more than 10) and placed in a separate line after the abstract. Key words are given in the nominative case. After the keywords, indicate the scientific specialty of the publication according to the new nomenclature of scientific specialties, approved by  Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia N 118 dated February 24, 2021: 5.2.1. Economic theory, 5.2.3. Regional and branch economy, 5.2.5. World economy, etc.. It is possible to indicate two specialties if the work is written at the intersection of specialties.


9. At the end of the article is a list of references. In the list of references, it is allowed to use only those sources to which there are references indicated in the text of the article. The bibliographic list should contain, as a rule, no more than 15 sources, including no more than 2 references to the publications of the authors of the article and their co-authors. This requirement was introduced in order to avoid an unscrupulous increase in the bibliometric indicators of authors.

Bibliographic entries should be in alphabetical order. When mentioned or cited in the text, the number of the bibliographic entry and the page of the source are given in square brackets, for example: [25; 61], [12,1–8]. The number of  sources must be at least 3. At the same time, the author is responsible for the accuracy of the information, the accuracy of quoting and references to official documents and other sources. It is forbidden to use automatic links, hyperlinks and automatic Word footnotes in the text.


The bibliographic description of publications is drawn up in accordance with the state standard, for example:



Sundiev I.Yu. Informal youth expositions / Socis. 1987. No. 5, p. 56–62; Stepanov P. Principles of regulation of corporate relations / Economy and law. 2002. No. 4, p. 87.


Abstracts of reports:

Shmotko S.N. Problems of child homelessness and crime, approaches to their solution in the history of Russia / Actual problems of social work in the region: Abstracts of the scientific-practical conference November 23-24, 2000. Tyumen: Vector Buk, 2001, p. 157–159.



Bratus S.N. Legal entities in Soviet civil law. M., 1947, p. 17; Analytical Bulletin of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation 20(176), p. 35–36.



Pobenonostsev K.P. Civil Law Course: In 3 vols. T.Z / Edited by V.A. Tomsinov. M., 2003, p. 473–474.



Polkovnikov G.V. English company law: law and practice: Proc. allowance. M., 1999, p. nineteen.


10. The design of the article test (including tables and figures) must comply with GOST 2.105-95 General requirements for text documents. You can download it by going to following link. The text must be typed in page format A 4, with line spacing “one and a half”. Text margins - 2 cm each. Pages should be numbered. When typing, you must use the font "Times New Roman". Font size - 12. Paragraph indentation - 0.5 cm. Set of tables: font type Times, font size 12 pt. Use the “Normal” style or the “Normal” template. To highlight individual items in text or graphic material, only Arabic numbering should be used.It is forbidden to use automatic links, hyperlinks and automatic Word footnotes in the text. Manually placed hyphens are not allowed.


11. Drawings (graphs, diagrams) in Word, Excel - black and white only. It is forbidden to insert scanned drawings (graphs, diagrams) into the article.Drawings must be made on a separate drawing canvas and must be grouped (that is, they must not "fall apart" when moving and formatting). 

It is unacceptable to use figures and tables, the size of which requires landscape orientation of the page. Rotation of figures and tables in vertical orientation is prohibited. Inscriptions and other designations on graphs and figures should be clear and easy to read.


12. Mathematical formulas are drawn up through the "Microsoft Equation" formula editor, all characters are in plain type, and their numbering is put down on the left side.

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